Our Chemical Waste Management Process
Proper chemical waste management starts with identification and segregation. Our waste experts will work with you to determine your facility’s specific needs, identify your waste streams, and provide the most cost-effective management program for your operations.
ASWH will provide a facility-specific protocol for proper on-site management, DOT approved waste collection containers, proper labeling, and all required regulatory paperwork. At the time of service, ASWH technicians will pack and transport all regulated waste to an EPA approved treatment facility. An initial copy of your hazardous waste manifest will be provided at the time of service and a final certified copy will be mailed within 30 days of service.
Common Hazardous Waste
- Organic Solvents
- Acidic/Basic Solutions
- Alcohols
- Oxidizers
- Aerosols
- Toxic Liquids
- Flammable Solids
- Mercury
- Lab Packs
The first step before any hazardous waste is shipped is determining your EPA generator status. If you generate more waste then the VSQG thresholds listed below, then you will need to registrar with the EPA for a Generator ID Number. >95% of our clients are VSQG or Very Small Quantity Generators so registration is not likely unless you are an acute care facility or a laboratory.
At Approved we will work with you to determine your generator status, assist in obtaining the proper registration if necessary and manage your EPA waste generator status going forward. Notifying you if you should ever exceed your limits.
Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator
Small Quantity Generator
Large Quantity Generator